Chicken in teriyaki sauce

Teriyaki chicken is a popular Asian dish. For this recipe, you can use ready-made savory sweet-salty teriyaki sauce from your nearest supermarket. But I suggest making it yourself, it turns out tastier. Cooking does not require much time and effort. Thanks to the marinade, teriyaki chicken in a frying pan turns out very tender, juicy and aromatic.

Chicken fillet prepared in this way has an original taste, which contains both moderate sweetness and subtle spiciness. If desired, tender dietary meat can be supplemented with carrots, bell peppers or hot chili. Dried flakes can be substituted for fresh chili peppers. Adjust the amount of spices to your taste.

Asian-style chicken goes well with boiled rice, udon noodles or funchose.

Ingredients for cooking chicken in teriyaki sauce:


  • Chicken fillet – 400 g.

  • Garlic – 2 cloves.

  • Chili pepper – 10 g.

  • Soy sauce – 100 ml.

  • Olive oil – 25 ml.

  • Wine vinegar 6% – 25 ml.

  • Water – 50 ml.

  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l.

  • Potato starch – 1 tsp.

  • Ground ginger – 0.5 tsp.

  • Sugar – 2 tsp.

  • Sesame seeds – 1 tsp.

Recipe for chicken in teriyaki sauce

Step-by-step instruction:

1. In a deep frying pan, mix soy sauce, olive oil and wine vinegar.

2. Add honey, ground ginger, sugar and garlic cloves passed through a press to the mixture.

3. In a separate bowl, mix 50 ml of cold water and 1 teaspoon of potato starch. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan with the remaining ingredients and stir.

4. Place the frying pan with teriyaki sauce over medium heat. Stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and continue to simmer the sauce for 5-6 minutes until thickened. Remove teriyaki sauce from heat and cool to room temperature.

5. Wash the chicken fillet and dry it from excess moisture with paper napkins. Remove fat and films from the meat. Cut the chicken fillet into oblong pieces across the grain.

6. Transfer the meat to a deep bowl. Pour teriyaki sauce over the chicken pieces, cooled to room temperature. Mix the ingredients and leave the chicken fillet to marinate on the refrigerator shelf for 30-60 minutes.

7. Take the chicken pieces out of the marinade and place them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Stirring, fry the chicken fillet over high heat for 5-7 minutes.

8. When the meat turns white, pour the remaining teriyaki sauce into it.

9. Stirring, continue to cook the chicken fillet over medium heat until the sauce thickens and the meat is completely cooked.

10. Sprinkle the finished dish with sesame seeds, decorate with herbs and serve hot.

Bon appetit!

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